Now available on Amazon!

Volume1: Finding Your Sunspot in the Black Dog Zen series of motivational short story guides.

A perfect coffee table or nightstand book to begin and end a day with a positive story that makes you smile or go ahhh!

Black Dog Zen: The Wisdom in Short Stories & Perception


Description: Simple, short, and easy to read stories with a possibility for more.

  • Keep the book nearby to pick up and read in pieces for a boost of positive.  
  • Good for any age.  Questions that follow each story offer the opportunity to design how far to take your contemplations.
  • Teachers are easily able to introduce introspection to student by guiding age-appropriate inquiry from questions.
  • Personal growth and empowerment can be initiated by delving beneath the surface answers one first gives to seemingly simple questions and as a response to easy to read stories.
  • Mature groups can share deeply as they seek personal truth and communal understandings.
  • Great conversation starters for family and friends.
  • Excellent gift to lift the spirits for those you care about.

Mindfulcalm Coaching & Leadership

New: Finding Your Sunspot Workshops!

New: Finding Your Sunspot Workshops in person or via zoom:

Follow the book to guide a group exploration through sharing stories and self in search for a truth that resonates personally.

Share with others as you peel back the false belief systems that have trapped you in invisible ties and definitions that leave you feeling stuck or unfulfilled. 

Together we will navigate the simple stories that can lead us to deeper understanding of self and other.

Laura will guide each group with assistance of other certified professionals as we embark on great connection and change.

Events:  Author & Book Events/Yoga & Coaching 

Schedule: Text: 631-484-6133/email:

Finding Your Sunspot Workshops/Home Events

Virtual and home bookclubs


  • Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Practice
  • Business & Executive Coaching
  • Personal Coaching
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Group Workshops 



Schedule Your Own BDZ Bookclub or Workshop

Private or Group Coaching

Motivational Story

vintage shop sign

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are!

                 —Joseph Campbell
